Mailchimp Integration Guide
Read the documentation below to see how to connect your LeadForm to Mailchimp.
** We also have a Zapier integration which makes this process a bit easier. Click here to learn more:
Step 1: Turn on the Mailchimp Integration
Inside of your Builder, Go to Lead Delivery
Scroll down to the Email Service & CRM Section
Flip the Mailchimp Integration Switch to the "On" position
Step 2: Add your MailChimp API Key
Sign into your Mailchimp Account
If you don't already have an API key setup, then you'll need to create a key. To create an API key in Mailchimp go here:
Once on the API Key Page, click "Create a Key"
Copy your API Key
Go back to and paste your API Key into the first field, like in the image below and click Save.
Step 3: Add your List ID (now Audience ID)
Important Note: The List ID is now called Audience ID inside of Mailchimp:
Inside of Mailchimp, go to the List/Audience that you'd like to send the leads to
Then go to Settings and Locate your Audience ID
Pate your Audience ID into your account -- in the second field like in the image below:
Click Save
Step 4: Tell Which Fields to Push Into Mailchimp
Now that you have connected Mailchimp to your, the next step is to tell which fields/steps to push to your Mailchimp List/Audience.
You can push every single step and field, or you can pick and choose which fields/steps you want to send.
One important note is that you'll have ensure that your fields and steps exist as Merge Tags inside of your account. Mailchimp comes with the following Merge Fields setup right out of the box:
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address
Any other field that's not one of the above, will need to be setup as a Merge Tag inside of Mailchimp for the integration to work.
Important note: The following fields below need to be entered into as the following:
Email: email_address
First Name: FNAME
Last Name: LNAME
Configuring Form Fields
Follow the steps below to send form fields to Mailchimp:
Inside of your Builder, go to Steps
Click on a Step that you want to send to Mailchimp. Let's say that it's the Contact Form
Upon clicking on "Contact Form" the steps with the fields should open on the left hand side of the screen.
Click into one of the form fields. For example, let's open the email Email field:
When open, scroll down to the integrations area and flip the Mailchimp switch to the on position.
Now add the field name. Since this is the email field, we're going to add "email" into the field. Then click the Save Form Field button below.
For the email field it should be entered as email_address
Repeat the process for any other fields that you'd like to push to Mailchimp
Configuring Steps
In addition to form fields, you can also push steps responses into Mailchimp. For example, if you're building an insurance form and you're asking someone why they're looking for insurance, then you can capture one of the responses and push it into Mailchimp.
In this example, we're going to push one of the three potential responses from the form below into Mailchimp
First, insure that the field is set as a custom merge tag inside of Mailchimp.
Since this is not a default Mailchimp merge tag, I had to go into my Mailchimp account and create a custom merge tag, which I named "Why"
Now that the merge tag is created, we can go back to the form inside of and click on the step that we want to push into Mailchimp. You need to click on the step in-order to access the Mailchimp field name.
Once opened scroll down to "Advanced Options" and flip the Mailchimp Switch to the "on" position.
Next, add the Merge Tag from Mailchimp. In this case, it's "WHY" (in all caps)
Then scroll up and Click "Save"
Repeat for any other step that you want to add.
That's it! Give your form a test on your live site and you should see all of the fields push into Mailchimp. From there, you can fire out automated responses from your Mailchimp account and start segmenting your lists.
Troubleshooting: Leads are not posting into Mailchimp
If you run into an issue where leads are not posting into Mailchimp after you setup the integration, please review some of our troubleshooting checklist items below. You can also reach out and we'll be happy to help.
1) Check that your API key is correct and hasn't been updated
If your API key is entered incorrectly or has changed, then your leads will not post to your Mailchimp list. So, if you see that your leads are not posting into Mailchimp, please verify that your API key is correct.
2) Ensure that your Audience ID is entered into the list ID properly
One small typo of mistake in your Audience ID could prevent the lead from posting to Mailchimp. Please double check that your Audience ID is entered properly.
3) Ensure that your fields have been added properly
A configuration issue with a form fields is typically the most common reason why leads do not post to Mailchimp. Here are a few things that you can check:
- Email address should be entered as email_address ... please do not enter it as 'email' or EMAIL'
- First name should be entered as FNAME and last name should be entered as LNAME
- All other fields that are entered should be entered in all caps and should match what's in mailchimp
- If a field is set to required in Mailchimp then you will need to ensure that the field is also setup in your LeadForm and configured to post from your form into Mailchimp. If you do not want a specific field to post and if it's set to 'required' in mailchimp, then simply uncheck the required checkbox in Mailchimp.
If you need help, or run into any issues feel free to reach out to