How to Setup Google Powered Address AutoComplete

With Google Powered Address AutoComplete, you can finally make it easy for your prospects to fill in their address details from anywhere in the world without the hassle of having to type their address in manually. This means a more seamless experience for your website visitors and more leads for you. Keep reading to see how to setup Google Powered Address Auto Complete in your LeadForm.

Important: Google Powered Address Auto Complete is only available on a Pro plan or higher

To enable Google Powered Address Auto Complete, there are a few steps that you will need to follow. 

1. Setup your Google Cloud account if you don't already have one

2. Create a project, enable the Google Maps Javascript API and Google Places API, and generate your API Key

3. Paste your API key into your GetLeadForms dashboard and enable the Address Auto Fill functionality to your Address field

Please follow the steps below to get started:

1) Setup your Google Cloud Account

To give you the most reliable experience possible, we integrated directly with Google Maps. Before you setup your Address Autocomplete inside of the GetLeadForms Builder, you will need to first create your Google Cloud Account.

If you already have a Google Cloud account, then please skip to #2 Create a project and enable the API in your Google Cloud account.

  • Navigate to Google Cloud and click on Console. If you don't already have a Google account then you will need to set one up.
  • Upon clicking 'Console' you will be redirected into a dashboard where you will need to complete some setup fields for Google
  • Next, Google Cloud is going to ask for your payment and billing details. Some Google APIs (including Google Maps API) charge for usage, and you need to enable billing before you can start using these APIs. 
    • Some notes on how the Google AP Pricing works:
      • You pay only for what you use
      • Here's the pricing breakdown for Google. Currently, it's $7 for every 1,000 requests to the API. That comes out to $0.007 per request. A request is defined as each time someone enters their address into your LeadForm if you're using the Google Address API. As you can see, this is very affordable and with all of the credits that Google provides, you may not have to pay out of pocket (depending on your traffic levels).
      • Google Cloud offers a $300 free trial. The free trial applies towards the first billing account you create. During the free trial, your first Cloud Billing account is in "free trial mode" and no charges will be made against your payment method. The free trial ends after the trial period elapses, or when the $300 is spent, whichever happens first. 
      • In addition Google Maps Platform features a recurring $200 monthly credit that is applied to your account each month.

After you setup your Google Cloud account, the next step is to create a project and enable the API in your Google Cloud account.

2) Create a project and enable the API in your Google Cloud account

  • With your Google Cloud Account setup the next step is to create a project. To set up your project, navigate to the “Dashboard” section and click on “Go to project settings”.
  • Next, click on 'Create Project'
  • After you click 'Create Project' Complete the fields on the next page. The Organization and Location fields should already be filled in. The main field to complete is the 'Project Name' field. Give this a descriptive name like 'LeadForm Google Address'. Then click 'Create'

After the project is created, the next step is to enable APIs and Services in your Google Cloud Account.

  • Inside of your newly created project, navigate to the “APIs & Services> Dashboard” section. Select “Enable APIs & Services”. 
  • Inside of the API & Services section, click on the blue link at the top of the page that says '+Enable APIS and Services'.
  • After clicking on +Enable APIs And Services, you'll be directed to a page that looks like this. 
  • Search for “Maps Javascript API” and then click on the first option called 'Maps Javascript API'. Do not enable Maps Status API or Street View Status API.

  • After you click on 'Maps JavaScript API' click on the blue 'Enable Button'

  • After you enable the Maps JavaScript API, you'll be redirected to a page that looks like the page below. You'll see that the Maps Javascript API is enabled. Next, please go to the Additional APIs section and select 'Places API'

  • Then Enable 'Places API'

  • At this point, both 'Maps JavaScript API' and 'Places API' should appear in the 'Enabled APIs' section of your APIs page in your project inside of Google Cloud. Next, you will need to grab your API key. Click on Credentials. 

  • On the 'Credentials' page, click on the link '+Create Credentials'

  • Next click on 'API Key' and ignore the other options in the dropdown. 

  • Upon clicking 'Create API Key ' from the dropdown, your API key will be automatically created. You'll see your API key in a new window like in the image below. Please copy this API Key or write it down somewhere. This will be added to your LeadForm inside of GetLeadForms in

  • Now that you have generated your API Key, the next step is to add it to GetLeadForms.

3) Add your API Key to your LeadForm inside of GetLeadForms

Please follow the steps below to add your API key and to enable the Google Address field inside of GetLeadForms.

  • Go to the LeadForm that you would like to use Google Powered Address Auto Complete for. Then go to Settings and expand the Google Address Auto Complete tab.
    • Important Note: If you are on the starter plan or lower, then you will need to upgrade to the Pro plan to access this feature. Please contact for access. If you're already on a plan that's higher than Starter and can't access the feature then please contact us for help.
  • Expand the 'Google Address Auto Complete' field and add the API Key that you copied in the previous steps. Then click 'Save Changes'
  • Next, you will need to enable the Google Powered Address Auto Complete functionality for the Address filed in your LeadForm. 
    • Go to your address field or create a new form step type with an address field
    • Set the field type to Google Address Auto Complete (you will see this at the bottom of the field type dropdown). If you do not see this new field type then you may need to clear your cache.
  • And don't forget to click Save!
  • Finally, preview your LeadForm with you're newly added address filed with Google Powered address auto complete. You should see it working in the preview.

If you run into any issues or need any help with setup please reach out to us at

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