Integrating with Insellerate
To integrate your LeadForm with Insellerate you will need to use the Webhook feature. Please follow the steps below:
Step #1: Go to Lead Delivery & Locate the Webhook
Open your form
Go to "Lead Delivery" inside of the LeadForm Builder
On the left hand side, scroll down to the Webhook (custom post URL)
Expand the field to see the Custom Post URL options
Step #2: Add Your Custom Post URL
Next, paste your Custom Post URL into the "custom post URL" field.
Step #3: Enable Auth
Flip the "Is Auth Enabled?" Switch to the "On" position
Ensure that "Basic Auth" is selected
Add your Username and Password
Step #4: Data Formatting
Turn on "Custom Transferred Data Formatting Enabled" by flicking the switch to the "On" position
For Data formatting type you can choose either JSON or XML. In this case, we selected JSON
Next add in in the Custom Data Wrapper Formatting.
After you add the data wrapper to the field, a blue "Generate Sample Output Data" button will appear. If you click on the button then you'll see a sample output of the data in either JSON or XML format.
Step #5: Save
Don't forget to save the settings!
Step #6: Send a test lead
Finally, the last step is to send a test lead through. Always send the test lead from the URL where your LeadForm is setup. Do not try to send a test lead via the "preview."
If you run into any issues or need help please reach out to